Friday, April 1, 2011

Song Stories....

The Luckiest by Ben Folds
Plot: Ben folds is trying to tell his girl how much he loves her, and he is telling different stories about different characters, trying to describe his love for her.
Character(s): Ben folds and his wife ^_^ aww...
Conflict: As cheesy as it sounds, the conflict is that he can't find the best way to describe how much he loves his girl... He keeps trying to give different scenarios and stories to describe how he loves her, but It's hard for him.
Theme: Love... duh.
Setting: On a house, on a street, in a quiet, not-too-crowded town.

Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie
Plot: It starts out with "The atlantic was born today, and i'll tell you how..." It's talking about how water filled every hole, and then it says that he's trying to get closer to the one he loves, but the water filled up the paths and washed them away. Then it keeps saying, "I need you so much closer." Because he wants her closer, so he can get to where she is easier.
Character(s): The main guy singing and telling the story, all the people in the world, and the one he's trying to get to.
Conflict: He wants to get to where she is, but he can't because the water washed away his path. Though the water is a good and beautiful thing, it is also restricting him from getting where he needs to go. It's too far away to swim through...
Theme: Beauty and restriction
Setting: It sounds dumb but, the earth really. The whole earth, or at least the section covered in the Atlantic ocean specifically...

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