Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Hero's Journey.

Basically, the first movie that came to mind was Tangled, and I just KNOW everyone else is gonna do that... :/ But I wanna go with my first instinct! So whatever.

Here's to being unique, just like everybody else. (haha)

Tangled: Hero=Rapunzel

Ordinary world.
Rapunzel is stuck in her tower, with only her 'mother' to talk and converse with, (and Pascal, I suppose). She dreams of leaving and starting her life out in the world, because she's never left before, but she's too afraid. She holds herself back.
Call to adventure.
Flynn shows up in her house, and she discovers that he can take her on her adventure. He can make it happen. So she lets him take her out of her tower for the first time.
Refusal of the Call.
She fights with herself after leaving the tower. She can't decide what she wants. She's regretting what she did, but she's happy about being rebellious, but she's still angry at herself.
Meeting with the Mentor.
Flynn talks her into going, because he is plotting other things. She decides to continue her adventure.
Crossing the Threshold.
Like I said, she decides to continue her journey of seeing the lights on her birthday. She goes out and experiences the world.
Tests, Allies, Enemies.
Well, there's Flynn's Enemies, those two creepy guys whose names I do not know, and they want the money from the crown and Rapunzel's hair. Then you have the crazy mom, who wants the magic hair for herself. Their bravery and trust is tested during their journey.
When the two creepy guys knock out Flynn and tie him to the boat, Rapunzel thinks he betrayed her for the crown, when in reality he is in love with her.
When the crazy mom stabs Flynn, Rapunzel is devastated. She wants to heal him so they can be together, but he cuts her hair before she can so that nobody will use her for their own personal benefit anymore like the 'mom'. Her tear drop ends up healing him, because it's true love! Aww. Precious. I know. You all cried at that part. She is 'reborn' as a new, stronger, braver girl. Flynn is reborn as a new person, who is honest and good and all that stuff.
Rapunzel's reward is obviously Flynn! They live happily ever after.
The Road Back.
She begins her new life living in the kingdom.
Did I do this wrong..? I don't know what to put here.. the movie's over...
Return with the Elixir.
I also don't know what to put here.. I think I did this assignment wrong somewhere along the way haha

The End. :D

1 comment:

  1. Remember. It doesn't have to go in order. Is there a moment when you think one character is dead, defeated, or that their relationship is over? When her tear drops on him and he is resurrected...that sounds like a pretty good resurrection.

    And the elixir? What do the characters learn? What does Rapunzel have now that she always wanted?
