Sunday, March 27, 2011


I am jealous of the poem "Song of the little cripple at the street corner" by Rainer Maria Rilke

When I first read it all I could think about was how
it is!!
It's very depressing...

But at the same time,

It's obviously talking about a cripple, and his poor frail body being bent and twisted...
But when I read this, I like to switch up the words 'body' and 'soul'.
Whenever it says 'soul', I switch it with 'body' and vise-versa.
When you do this, you can relate this poem to anybody.

We are all crippled in some way, some more than others. Our souls struggle to survive at times.
Sometimes our hearts are like poor little wet toads after a rainstorm... Hopping around, trying to become normal again. Trying to go back to every day life.

All of us have a part of us that is weak, that we struggle to live with... Sometimes it's physical, sometimes it's emotional, sometimes it's mental.

I love this poem because it depicts that. It isn't just bluntly talking about a cripple on a street corner. It's talking about all of us. It can relate to all of us. It speaks the words we struggle to find to describe ourselves.

That's why I like this poem.


  1. Wow that is a awesome way to interpret it. Way to go!

  2. Wow! I love the idea of switching those words it makes it so much more meaningful and personal, it creates a ton of feeling for the cripple, I think of Tiny Tim when I read it.
