Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Hero's Journey.

Basically, the first movie that came to mind was Tangled, and I just KNOW everyone else is gonna do that... :/ But I wanna go with my first instinct! So whatever.

Here's to being unique, just like everybody else. (haha)

Tangled: Hero=Rapunzel

Ordinary world.
Rapunzel is stuck in her tower, with only her 'mother' to talk and converse with, (and Pascal, I suppose). She dreams of leaving and starting her life out in the world, because she's never left before, but she's too afraid. She holds herself back.
Call to adventure.
Flynn shows up in her house, and she discovers that he can take her on her adventure. He can make it happen. So she lets him take her out of her tower for the first time.
Refusal of the Call.
She fights with herself after leaving the tower. She can't decide what she wants. She's regretting what she did, but she's happy about being rebellious, but she's still angry at herself.
Meeting with the Mentor.
Flynn talks her into going, because he is plotting other things. She decides to continue her adventure.
Crossing the Threshold.
Like I said, she decides to continue her journey of seeing the lights on her birthday. She goes out and experiences the world.
Tests, Allies, Enemies.
Well, there's Flynn's Enemies, those two creepy guys whose names I do not know, and they want the money from the crown and Rapunzel's hair. Then you have the crazy mom, who wants the magic hair for herself. Their bravery and trust is tested during their journey.
When the two creepy guys knock out Flynn and tie him to the boat, Rapunzel thinks he betrayed her for the crown, when in reality he is in love with her.
When the crazy mom stabs Flynn, Rapunzel is devastated. She wants to heal him so they can be together, but he cuts her hair before she can so that nobody will use her for their own personal benefit anymore like the 'mom'. Her tear drop ends up healing him, because it's true love! Aww. Precious. I know. You all cried at that part. She is 'reborn' as a new, stronger, braver girl. Flynn is reborn as a new person, who is honest and good and all that stuff.
Rapunzel's reward is obviously Flynn! They live happily ever after.
The Road Back.
She begins her new life living in the kingdom.
Did I do this wrong..? I don't know what to put here.. the movie's over...
Return with the Elixir.
I also don't know what to put here.. I think I did this assignment wrong somewhere along the way haha

The End. :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Road I've Taken.

My name is Dena Bertina. I am a fairly average high-school student. I do not enjoy gossip or being around 1/2 of the kids in high-school however. I am your average senior, waiting to get out and graduate already. My passions are music, writing, and being in love. Every day I wake up, eyes glued shut, dreading school. I am alone at school. My only real friends are my teachers, and my brother. I go home to a loud house, and my best friend and boyfriend. He saves me from my ordinary world. He, and music. They take me to a place that makes me forget all the bad and boring things in my life. My life can get pretty freakin boring... Because I am a very boring person, when I am not writing, singing, or being in love (which basically covers my life at school, aside from choir and creative writing.) My special world begins the second I sing that note. It begins the second my pencil hits the paper. The second my lips touch his. I am taken to a world, a special, beautiful, semi-unpredictable world that stays almost as long as I'd like. When I am in this world, all else disappears. It's just me and him. Me and my mic. Me and my pencil, ready to create something the world has never seen.

But the second I let go, the second it's over, my ordinary world snaps back and slaps me upside the head. Just have to wait till next time, when inspiration hits once more.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shake The Dust Already! Goodness.

This is for the nighttime cereal eaters
This is for those who DIDN'T make it in the show.
This is for those who feel alone in a crowded school hallway.
Shake the Dust.
This is for the girls who haven't quite figured out hair and make-up.
For the girls and guys with popular older siblings
For the girls with the drug-addict brothers.
Shake the Dust.
This is for the girls whose little sisters have style figured out, and she can't even put a jacket with a stupid shirt.
This is for those who pour their souls out into a notebook that'll never be read.
This is for the shy little children whose goals in life become not getting in trouble, and not making their parents disappointed.
Shake the dust.
This is for those who sleep alone, but dream of something different.
For those who live in an empty room
And those who are still alone even when they leave that empty room.
Shake the dust.
This is for those who cry themselves to sleep at night
because nobody gave them
a chance to speak their mind.
Shake the dust.
Shake it hard.
Shake it till it's ragged and torn
because quite honestly,
that gives it character.
It makes it unique.
It makes it something
and worth looking at
worth studying
to see every detail.
Shake the dust
make it new
heck, why not show it off?
After all that dust is gone
it's gotta be something worth flaunting.

Nothing is more beautiful than after it's been cleaned.

^ (This whole list pertains to me... I selfishly thought of myself haha... Here's a few that I thought of that aren't me...):

This is for those who are numb.
Shake the dust.
This is for those with perfect posture, stuck in stiff, ironed clothes.
This is for those who stand next to the best singer in the choir.
This is for those who are lack-tose intolerant.
Shake the dust.
This is for those who walk the streets with nothing to live for.
This is for those whose dreams did NOT come true
Shake the dust.

Monday, April 25, 2011


When will we own ourselves completely? An obvious answer, coming for a kid my age, would say, "Well duh, when we move out and have our own place and pay for our own stuff..." But, being a writer, I like to look at things a little deeper than that. And i'm sure everyone else is going to as well, since we're all in this class.

We own ourselves when we find ourselves. And when do we find ourselves? When we fulfill our dreams. When we reach our goals. When we become what we've always wanted to be. A lot of the time, resistance is keeping us from reaching our goals. Or sometimes it's just the fact that we keep forgetting. I keep forgetting to fulfill my dreams. I keep forgetting to try... I keep forgetting that my dream has been to sing on stage, in front of thousands of people. My dream is to show every person i've ever met, and even those i've never met, that I can sing like an angel. (Or, at least I like to think I can... sometimes...) When I fulfill that dream, THAT'S when I own myself. THAT'S when I become the greatest I can be.

Because, when you're fulfilling your dream, in that moment, don't you feel something special? Don't you get goosebumps, and feel this amazing feeling that you can't describe? You get that feeling of, "This, THIS is what I was made to do. This is what I'm supposed to be doing." This is the feeling of owning ourselves. We feel as if we've conquered the world, because in a sense, we have. We have conquered our world. Nothing can bring us down in that moment of glory.

I keep forgetting to remember all this! That's a problem. But, for now, I will remember this light... I have seen the truth, and I have discovered the impossible. Now all I have to do is continue to remember... Can't forget this feeling. Can't.

Tonight is not the last time i'll see the light.

Monday, April 18, 2011


If you're thinking about reading this, you shouldn't. It's my worst post so far... I'm not good at writing summaries haha.. Scroll down, there's better stuff down there! :)

Love me, Collin Raye
Her parents couldn't stand the sight of him. But he loved their daughter, and wanted to do anything he could to marry her. She loved him dearly, enough that she promised they would run away together. They married without her parents permission, and lived a long life together. At her funeral, He carefully re-reads a note she left him, promising her love. He weeps for her loss, but knows that their love has no end.

Brothers, Vic Mignogna
2 brothers fight the battle of death, and try to conquer the impossible. As the Elric brothers try to bring their mother back to life, they commit a taboo in alchemy. This is the story of their journey back to the life they used to know.

I'm Still Here, Goo Goo Dolls
One mans search for what makes him truly happy. Will he be stopped by the world?

Someone's watching over me, Hilary Duff
When life gets too hard to stand, what pulls you through it? For this girl, it's somebody watching over her. When her older brother is hit by a drunk driver, her world turns upside down. Does she fall apart and give up, or will she pursue her dream of becoming a singer? Does she overcome what she's gone through?

There For You, FlyLeaf
Guy and Girl fall in love, of course. Because that's the beginning to every story, or sometimes even the end. She doesn't treat him right so naturally, he leaves her. But, can she win him back with a change of heart?